Safety Net Fund

When performing artists, musicians, visual artists, event producers, and other creators lost their source of livelihood overnight due to COVID-19, the Safety Net Fund stepped in to offer financial assistance. Artists and creatives help to both shape and question our cultural narratives and are thus an integral part of civil discourse. Artists are essential and it is critical to support them during periods of economic uncertainty.



Funds Raised

over $600K

Grants Distributed




Saftey Net Fund Banner

Project Intention

Helping artists survive and continue to create during the pandemic.

The Safety Net Fund was founded in March 2020 by a group of Bay Area friends who saw the urgent need to support local artist in the wake of society shutting down overnight. The initiative offered grants of $500, with no expectation of repayment, to help provide direct monetary support through the very early days of the pandemic. Over $670,000 was raised and over 1,200 grants were distributed.

The fund prioritized artists that typically make their living offline at events & retail establishments that have been cancelled or closed due to coronavirus. This includes performing artists, musicians, visual artists, event producers, and other types of creators.

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